Saturday, May 18th, New York City

Why “Talking Masculinity for Couples?”
For many couples, the “rules of manhood” create powerful unseen scripts impacting our relationships. Do you feel there are rules about manhood that are impacting your relationship; rules that aren’t entirely spoken out or understood?
Men and women alike can police and enforce the rules of our dominant culture of masculinity, the rules for being a “real man.” These unspoken rules in turn determine how we pursue or fail to pursue our deepest needs, wants and desires. If your ready to better understand our culture of masculinity’s impact on your relationship, then the Talking Masculinity Workshop is for you.
In our relationships, we often see conflict that emerges not just from our differences and lived experiences, but also from the restrictions created by what Mark Greene and others refer to as “living in the man box”.
- What is the man box?
- How does it organize our personal and professional relationships?
This workshop is an effort to make public that which we often shroud as private and personal. Being in a couple relationship is ground zero for the cultural scripts we inherit from our families, friends, communities, and culture. How we navigate these scripts determines how well we are able to co-create the intimate connections that make us feel seen and heard by each other.
- How do we crack open the boxes that say “men don’t express” and “women are the only caregivers?”
- How do we move beyond the binary and create a plurality of expressions?
- What does it mean for our relationships to host differences and a full range of ways of being?
• Learn to spot damaging cultural scripts
• Focus on relationship over roles
• Grow intimacy and decrease conflict
• Grow generosity and compassion in your relationship
Who Should Attend
Talking Masculinity for Couples is a three hour workshop for opposite and same sex couples decoding the often unspoken scripts of masculine culture held by men and women, to help increase communication + grow intimacy.
Our workshop is helpful for:
Long Term Couples
New Parents
Newly Engaged
Couples seeking to revive connection
Workshop Details
When: Saturday, May 18th, 10 AM to 1 PM
Where: 79 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007 (not wheelchair accessible.)
Fee: $110 per person, ($220 per couple) Snacks and book included.
Who Should Attend?
The workshop is designed for people to attend with their partners rather than solo. It is best suited for couples not in significant relational crisis and free of substance abuse problems. If you have any questions regarding the appropriateness of this workshop for yourself or your partnership, please contact us.
Additionally, coupling is often seen as a private affair, but it is not. It is the playground of all our cultural conversations including what it means to be a man or woman, what it means to be in a relationship, to be intimate and/or to be vulnerable. These are conversations we can and should be having with our larger circle of family and friends. So, consider inviting others to join us for the workshop, and build a resonant supportive community of conversations that can host and grow your relationships while you in turn host and grow the relationships of others
If you have any questions, please reach out. Also please note that this is an educational workshop and doesn’t replace couples or individual therapy.
Saliha Bava, Ph.D., a Couples and Family Therapist with 20+ years experience in working with couples. She has a private practice in NYC where she works with couples to identify their relational stories and dynamics and help them co-create a stronger connection for increased communication & intimacy. She is an Associate Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy at Mercy College where she researches “how adults play?” For 20+ years, she has consulted, designed, and implemented performative/play-based and dialogic processes within organizational, community, family, learning, and research systems. For more information about Saliha’s work, visit her website.

Mark Greene is an activist and speaker on men’s issues, and a Senior Editor at The Good Men Project. He is the founder of Remaking Manhood, a Facebook community for those interested in shifting our culture of masculinity. Mark’s articles on men’s issues have been shared half a million times on social media with 20 million page views. He has written and spoken about men’s issues at Salon, Shriver Report, Huffington Post, HLN, BBC, and the New York Times.
Mark is the author of The Little #MeToo Book for Men and Remaking Manhood. Mark is co-author, along with Dr. Saliha Bava, of The Relational Book for Parenting.
For more information on Mark’s work, join his Remaking Manhood community on Facebook.

Find Us On Social Media
Dr. Saliha Bava
Twitter @thinkplay
Mark Greene
Twitter @RemakingManhood
Please Note
Talking Masculinity for Couples is an educational workshop not meant to replace couples or individual therapy. Participants not in significant relational crisis and free of substance abuse problems will benefit most. If you have any questions regarding the appropriateness of this workshop for yourself or your partnership, please feel free to contact Saliha Bava at 646-580-2282.